Reddit Promo Guide: The Basics


Are you promoting yourself on Reddit? Are you not sure where to start or not getting the results you expected? We have consolidated the best pro tips for getting your Reddit promo off the ground. 

Reddit is an extremely popular social media platform that is perfect for promoting content. With an estimated 55 million daily active users as of July 2023, there is incredible potential for gaining subscribers. Now let’s get started!

Step One. User Profile

If you haven’t already created your account, select a username (u/) as close to your creator/brand name as possible. If yours has been taken, try to keep the variation as simple as possible and easy for people to spell/remember. You can always set the optional “Display Name” to your true desired name. 

Be sure to mark your profile as NSFW if your content on Reddit contains nudity, pornography, or inappropriate content for those under 18. 

Create a personable and genuine bio (see our blog post “Writing OnlyFans Bios” for additional tips to adapt and use here). Most subscribers are looking for real people, so make sure you sound like one! Don’t clog up your bio with your links- Reddit has a social links feature that allows up to five of them.  

Pinned Posts

Reddit allows you to pin up to five posts to the top of your profile. Use this feature to pin a post that describes your platforms and directs people there. 

Grow Your Account
Most NSFW subreddits require a minimum karma limit and account age, so it is important to post and interact on subreddits that do not impose these limits, this includes posting on the SFW ones (with SFW content, of course).

Step Two. Relevant Subreddits

Find Your Niche

Identify subreddits that appeal to your content type or apply to your age, style, and personality. It is good to diversify where you post and remember, you don’t always have to post in subreddits with large numbers of subscribers to be successful. Posting in broad-category generic subreddits such as r/nudes usually isn’t very beneficial, save your content for the focused subs where it will get the recognition it deserves!

If you are having trouble determining which subreddits to use, find a creator similar to you and look at which subreddits where they are active. Many creators will offer their own lists of subreddits, ask around on NSFW advice subreddits, and fellow Redditors will gladly share.

Follow the Rules

Pay close attention to the rules of each subreddit. These rules are often very similar among NSFW subreddits, but they do vary. The rules dictate things such as content restrictions, watermarking, title/caption guidelines, verification, and more.

Get Verified

Many NSFW subreddits require verification, though even when verification is optional, it is still recommended for more authenticity. Make sure to follow each subreddit’s verification steps closely. The typical method is to submit 3 photos of yourself, holding a paper with your username, subreddit name, and date. Additionally, they may request you to crumple the paper and smooth it back out, which helps prevent altered photos from being accepted.

Make Observations

Do some research on the subs you’re interested in and, over the course of time, see what types of posts are doing well. This will give you an idea of what content is appealing to that community- don’t copy other creators exactly, just get the overall vibe.

Step Three. Posting

Use Quality Content

This is probably the most important tip when it comes to successful posts. NSFW subreddits are constantly receiving posts with content that is grainy, dark, and messy- make your post something special. Use a quality camera (newer smartphones are sufficient!) and take photos/videos with good lighting and a clean background. It really makes all the difference to put effort into these details!

Create Interesting Titles

A compelling post title invites the reader to experience your content with their imagination and leaves them wanting more. It is important to make sure it’s within your brand, expresses emotion, or prompts action. Asking a question is a great way to do this, instead of saying, “Check out my sexy bikini” ask, “Does someone have a pool I can wear this to?” An extremely effective method to get your post more attention is using a play on words or having fun with a known quote/pop culture reference. One example using Mr. T’s iconic catchphrase: “I pity the fool who hasn’t seen me naked!” Or spice up a common saying like this, “A nude pic a day keeps the doctor away.” Sometimes thinking of fun titles can even inspire new ideas for content.

Mix It Up

One of the biggest mistakes new Redditors make is reposting the same content and title to multiple Subreddits all at one time. Not only does this fill up your user profile and look repetitive, but it is against the rules of many subreddits because this is considered spamming. Use varied content and titles across different subs, and if you do wish to repost them, allow a significant amount of time to pass before doing so.

Time it Right

Believe it or not, timing on Reddit is crucial! Even an awesome post can flop due to bad timing. There are many resources with posting time data, but to keep things simple, the general rule of thumb is posting in the morning (6-8 AM EST) on most days is your best bet for the most success. 

Link Properly

Posting NSFW videos on Reddit requires the use of a third-party image hosting site. RedGIFs is the preferred platform for many creators, and it doubles as another way to get your content noticed. You may see Imgur being recommended in the past, but please be aware that Imgur banned NSFW content on May 15th, 2023.

Advertise Appropriately

Posting your links or soliciting subscribers on any subreddit is widely forbidden. Subreddits do allow content creators to post, but they do not allow advertising directly on the page. You are allowed to have your links and information on your profile but do not post links or mention subscribers, discounts, DMs, or anything suggesting you want the viewers on your paid platform. 

Learning to use Reddit can be intimidating at times, but this platform has incredible promo potential, which is why we’re providing this guidance. We want you to have all the tools you need to maximize your promo on any social platform!

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