Benefits of Offering a FREE OnlyFans Page


OnlyFans allows creators to link two pages on one account, which can be a very beneficial strategy. A popular method is creating a second page that has a FREE subscription. While a free page may attract some freeloaders, it can also serve as an excellent funnel to your paid or VIP page. Think of your free page as another form of social media, but there are also ways to monetize there as well.

This approach may not be for everyone, some creators feel like it is too much work to run two pages, but others have had great success. Always do what feels best for you, and these tips may help you decide!

Benefits of a Free Page:


When something is offered for free, it becomes significantly easier to attract people and potentially convert them into subscribers. A free account presents a low-risk opportunity for potential followers to explore your content. Subscribing to a free page requires minimal commitment, making it even easier to get new users in the door.

A free page provides more potential to convert social media lurkers into actual subscribers. By getting them on the OnlyFans website, you have already taken a significant first step. As they explore your free page, they will hopefully become even more interested and decide to make the transition to your paid page.


Once users are on your free page and experience more of your content, they are more likely to stay engaged. Compared to your paid page, a free page requires less content output, as users’ expectations are typically lower when they are receiving content for free. There’s less pressure to create fresh content daily.

It’s essential to consider how to make your free page valuable for subscribers beyond just promoting your paid page. Some creators have found immense success by using their free page as a primary platform to sell content, sometimes even generating as much income as their paid page or even more. This makes the free page a substantial and viable income stream.

How to Promote Your Paid/VIP Page on Your Free Page (Conversion):

While you are running your free page, sharing content, engaging your audience, and getting paid tips – you can also promote your paid/VIP page.

Sneak Previews

Nobody likes freeloaders, so it is important to ensure you aren’t completely satisfying the free subscribers! The content being posted to your free page should be a very limited sample of what is being offered on your paid page. 

Consider blurring or censoring your content or not posting your more explicit content on this page. “If you want to see all of my uncensored content, or if you want to see all of me, you can join my premium page!”

Post one photo from a photoset and add that they can see the rest of them on your other page. Similarly, you can post the first minute of a video and tell them where to see the full version!

Discounted or Free Content

One effective method is to increase the price of all of your PPVs to be higher on your free page. Then you can mention that your premium page offers the same content for a certain percentage off, or even fully free, all they need to do is subscribe!

Clearly Outline the Benefits

It is important to showcase the distinct differences between your pages in your bio and in your welcome message as well (read tips on creating those in this blog post). Describe “Here’s what you can expect on my free page… and if you want to see XYZ come check out my VIP/Premium page here [link]”

How to Make Money from Your Free OnlyFans Page (Opportunities):

Sell Content

While paid pages grant subscribers access to all your posts, free pages allow you to post Pay-Per-View (PPV) posts directly on your page’s feed. When users visit your free page, they can read naughty descriptions of what awaits them in these locked posts. They can easily choose to pay and unlock it without you needing to do anything at all. If you decide to go the route we mentioned of offering that same content for free or at a discounted price on your paid/VIP page, they may be willing to sign up there instead of purchasing the one-off PPV.

Require and/or Encourage Tips

In addition to selling content, you can also leverage the tipping feature on your messages and posts. For a free page, it is a good idea to require a tip in order to send you a message, this will cut down on time wasters here. Motivate your subscribers to tip you by running contests or initiating campaigns. For example, “Once this photo has $50 in tips, I will post the next one!”

Pay Per View (PPV) Messages

One of the most powerful tools available on both free and paid pages is the ability to send Pay Per View (PPV) messages. You can set a price, add intriguing captions, and schedule these messages to be sent to your audience. Watching your customers buy and engage with your content directly allows them to learn more about your brand and services and get excited about purchasing your paid content.

Live Streams

Payment-gated live streams are only available for free accounts, and the minimum ‘ticket price’ you can set is $5. This is great for creators who enjoy camming or live performances and for anyone who wants to stream something special. You can do this regularly or occasionally, it’s up to you. It is a good idea to inform your fans about the length of the stream to prevent disappointing any latecomers if they only catch the end of it.

Creating a free OnlyFans page offers several advantages for content creators. It facilitates the conversion of users into subscribers and provides additional opportunities to generate more income. You may even find that running a free page is much more lucrative and a better business strategy for you! 

If creating a free second page is not for you, there are still numerous ways to drive traffic to your OnlyFans. You can leverage your existing social media presence, collaborate with other content creators through cross-promotion, or use paid promotion methods (like Blossm!) to attract an audience.

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